Employment Lawyers Can Help With Wrongful Termination Claims

Employment Lawyers Can Help With Wrongful Termination

If you are a recent or former employee who was let go, laid off, restructured, or fired (With or without cause) – you need to know your rights. Termination, even for good reason, can feel devastating. It is often compared to the end of a marriage and you need to act quickly to protect your rights. The best way to do this is by contacting an Employment Lawyer in Toronto.

Employment lawyers are professionals who have a deep understanding of Ontario employment law and how it applies to your particular case. They can meticulously review your employment contract to identify clauses that could be problematic for wrongful termination cases and help you understand the ins and outs of your rights as an employee.

They can also assist you with severance packages and wrongful dismissal claims. When an employer terminates their employees they are generally required to provide reasonable notice and compensation, which is based on the length of employment, age, and position held. An experienced wrongful dismissal lawyer can help you assess whether an offer of severance is fair and will negotiate on your behalf to try and get a higher level of pay.

Employment Lawyers Can Help With Wrongful Termination Claims

It is important to note that if you file a claim with the Ministry of Labour for wrongful termination or wrongful dismissal you cannot simultaneously pursue civil litigation against your former employer in court. employment lawyer Toronto are able to assist you with either of these options but not both and will advise you on what is best for your situation.

Lastly, an experienced employment lawyer can help you navigate workplace issues such as sexual harassment. They can help you understand what constitutes sexual harassment and the steps you can take to report it in a timely fashion. They can also help you understand your rights if you are experiencing discrimination in the workplace and the process for filing a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

The most common issue that employment lawyers deal with is defending clients against wrongful dismissal allegations. Wrongful dismissal is the term for any termination that violates an employee’s employment standards or the terms of their contract. It can include terminations that are based on discrimination (as prohibited by the Human Rights Code of Ontario), retaliatory (for exercising an employee’s legal rights), or in bad faith (such as when the employer tries to avoid paying a statutory obligation such as overtime).

If you believe that you have been unfairly dismissed, it is critical to speak with an experienced wrongful termination lawyer in Toronto immediately. By doing so, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the appropriate amount of severance pay, notice, or compensation. Many employment lawyers will offer a free consultation and some work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you do not pay any fees upfront and they are paid an agreed percentage of the settlement recovery. For more information on how an Employment Lawyer in Toronto can help you, please contact them for a free no-obligation consultation.

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